
Good Match for Scarlet Spider Cosplay

This is a good match for spiderman cosplay, it’s a good spiderman costume. Also, this is the description for the owner. A spiderman T-shirt and a red zentai suit.
Since so many different artists had put their own slightly different spins on the design I wanted to chose a definitive image and shoot for that, however I soon found myself modifying bits and pieces to suit my abilities and personal preferences thus my cosplay will have a bit of me in the design.
Thanks heaps for letting me use it man. The image was re-sized and screen printed on for quality and (hopefully) long term use.
The red suit was again from e-bay, described as a zentai suit. (Just watch out for those Hong Kong sizes.)
I purchased Aqua Shoes and removed the soles then re-glued them to the feet, this was difficult, messy and nearly ruined the whole suit but for a first time attempt it will do... as long as they don't come off on the day.
The mask I ordered from e-bay with nothing more than a comic pic and text description. I'm very happy with how it turned out.
My web shooters will mimic an idea found here on Deviant Art consisting of a Batman Begins Belt. While I do like the cylinder web shooters in the comics I have never seen a cosplay replicate them in a way I liked, always too big or made from components which were described as "too heavy" by the wearers. If I was any good at making stuff I would try but I ain't, so I shant.
All that remains now is the belt and ankle pouches.

